About Us

The Internet's content delivery is blind to congestion, ultimately causing a transportation problem... We solve that with data.


Our mission is to provide you with the latest data powered solutions to help you deliver your content at the highest quality and at the lowest distribution cost.

Our vision is to be the company that automates the entire content delivery process and makes poor QoE a thing of the past.

Meet The Team

Your content delivery is in good hands.

Bill Erbey


Bill Erbey is a successful serial entrepreneur, investor and a retired public company Chairman/CEO. He is passionate about solving big problems and finding better ways of doing things. Over a period of four decades, Bill founded and scaled up companies in diverse industries, ranging from loan servicing, real estate services, mortgage services to online real estate sales and video broadcasting technology.

While the industries Bill has operated in are diverse, the common theme is always about use of innovative technology to serve a large and inefficient market. Bill holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Allegheny College and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard University.

Josh Tate

Co-CEO & Chief Legal Officer

Josh is a seasoned executive officer with more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, practitioner and legalprofessional.

Prior to joining the System73 team, he founded and launched multiple companies in the real estate, energy and finance industries.

Most recently Josh held the position of Managing Partner atCDP Companies and provides a wealth of experience intraditional finance, tax credits and public finance.

He holds a Bachelor of Science from Kansas State Universityand a Juris Doctor from the University of Kansas.

Daniel Perea Ström

Chief Technology Officer

Daniel Perea Ström is a technologist and researcher at heart.

With more than 15 years of experience in both public andprivate sectors, he is the author of several scientific paperspublished in high impact factor journals and first tierinternational conferences.

After participating in the development of several researchprojects and startups (Verdino Autonomous Vehicle, SmartionIntelligent Networks), he joined the initial team that foundedSystem73 with a clear goal: to revolutionize the media deliveryindustry with science and innovation.

Daniel is the first author of multiple patents on networktopology optimization.

He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the field of artificialintelligence and machine learning for mobile robotics, aMaster of Science degree in computer science and B.Sc.degree in computer engineering.

Jon Gibson

Chief Revenue Officer

Jonathan is an experienced professional with over 16 years of experience in the Sports, Media & Entertainment and Technology space.

After starting out in Sports rights sales he transitioned into the world of distribution utilizing leading technologies to helpsome of the largest companies engage with their audiences.

He has been instrumental in growing revenues across multiple technologies, verticals and managing global sales teams. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Exeter.